Sk8 Trans Week


Carolina (@firebenderkaoru)

Pronouns: any (genderfluid)About: Hi! I'm Caro, I'm the head mod for Sk8 Trans Week. This is my first time modding a fandom event, but I have been participating in fandom events/ LGBTQ+ activism for most of my adult life, and have a professional background in arts/ event management. Sk8 has become such an important positive force in my life and has brought me back to creative fanworks after an intense period of burnout. Over the past year or so of being involved in zines, bangs, and themed week events I noted a distinct lack of events by and for the trans members of our community. It is my hope that this event will provide some solace and a platform that will bring us together, as well as celebrate the joy and uplift the diversity of my fellow trans siblings. Feel free to reach out to me directly if you have any specific questions, my DMs are always open!Favorite Sk8 Trans HC: Transmasc Kojiro x Nonbinary Kaoru is something that can be so personal to me as a passionate matchablossom enthusiast.

dee (@sidekcks)Pronouns: they/heAbout: I got into Sk8 last year and it immediately took over my life in that good, good way, and the fandom has been a lovely, supportive place. I noticed pretty quickly that there are a ton of people who make some amazing trans fanworks and it just makes sense to bring all of that energy together for a week of creations. I've worked on event weeks here and there for years and am excited to get started on this one, especially with the intent to rally support for trans organizations!Favorite Trans Sk8 HC: shoutout to Jess (@transkojiro) for the image of kaoru falling asleep tracing kojiro's top surgery scars, it truly lives in my brain eternally.

June (@June_Ookami on twitter, @juneookami on tumblr and JuneOokami on ao3)Pronouns: she/herAbout: Hi, I'm a nb sk8 writer mostly focused on matchablossom.Favorite Trans Sk8 HC:Kaoru transitioned early in highschool but kept the long hair cus he was too punk not to

Frequently Asked Questions
Updated 4/3/23

Will nonbinary-centered pieces count as qualifying for this event?Yes! All identities under the trans umbrella are welcome- including non binary, genderfluid, genderqueer, gender non-conforming. If it centers a non-cis character, it qualifies (head mod is nonbinary/ genderfluid).Are all ships allowed?Yes! As stated this is a ship and character friendly event. We just ask that you tag/ specify all ships featured.What problematic fics will be allowed/ how is that defined?Any and all subject matter is fair game to be reposted, we just ask that you tag/ spoiler properly. I.e "dead dove" is not a sufficient tag all on its own. Works will be vetted by mod(s) for potentially triggering content. For this event, this also includes specifying language used for genitals and secondary sex characteristics. Please reach out if you are unsure if you've tagged something properly.How should NSFW pieces be tagged?Please tag/ include specific language used for genitals/ other secondary sex characteristics. Ex: "AFAB/AMAB (assigned "female/male" at birth) terms used" is sufficient. Reach out if you have specific questions/ concerns.Do you have to be trans to participate?Nope! We just ask that everyone is respectful/ sensitive to issues that trans individuals face.

6/21/23: Prompts/ Final Schedule Announced
6/21/23-11/18/23: weekly Shout Out posts dedicated to trans members/ creators of the sk8 fandom11/19-11/26: POSTING WEEK